A Bit of a Stretch! - Yoga Blog

person sticking out tongue to perform tongue scraping

Tongue scraping

Tongue scraping is one preliminary measure to take in clearing your body from the unwanted buildup of toxins.

Other benefits of scraping your tongue include:

Read more at Banyan Botanicals

camel pose

Camel Pose

Camel Pose can help build confidence and empowerment. It improves your posture and counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting, slouching, and stretches your abdomen. Learn more about Camel Pose at Yoga Journal.

essential oil bottle with a glass of coconut oil

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling involves swishing the oil in your mouth. When you do this for 15 minutes or more, the oil can remove or pull toxins from the teeth and gums. Once the swishing is complete, the oil needs to be spat out so that the toxins are eliminated. Practicing this regularly helps in improving not just oral hygiene but is good for the body.  Read the research that backs the practice of oil pulling

Regular Movement Can Improve
Memory & Overall Health

It is widely accepted that consistent exercise and movement can have many benefits for our bodies and health, but it has also been shown that regular movement can improve our memory and improve our mental health.

When we move our bodies, endorphins are released making us feel good but also helping us concentrate on the task at hand.

Many people report that they feel their mind is clear and they can focus better after moving their body. Learn more at Be Yogi.

chair yoga

9 Benefits of Yoga

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. And, if you’re going through an illness, recovering from surgery or living with a chronic condition, yoga can become an integral part of your treatment and potentially hasten healing. You can read more from Johns Hopkins Medicine.

restorative yoga setup with blocks and bolster
Mother and daughter holding tree pose.
down dog pose
Three students doing legs up the wall pose.

Dry Brushing

For those who don't know, dry brushing refers to the process of using natural bristles to brush your skin. You can start by dry brushing your stomach and work your way around your body.

We'll get into the skin brushing directions as well as its uses. But first, let's unpack the benefits as well as how I felt when I tried this skin detoxifying powerhouse technique. Acoeloa Wellness walks you through the steps to dry brush. 

demonstrating dry brushing on arm

1/2 Moon Pose

half moon pose with a block for support

Half Moon Pose is a challenging posture that will test your balance. You bring in energies from both the moon (calm, cooling) and the sun (fiery, intense), as you root down with your standing leg and stabilizing arm while lifting and extending your raised leg and opposite arm. Learn the steps to complete this pose at Very Well Fit.

Gate Pose


Yin Yoga Vs. Restorative Yoga: Understanding the Difference 

The main reason that people believe restorative yoga and yin yoga are the same thing is because from the outside, the practices look similar.

They both include long holds, often utilize props, are slow and introverted practices, and focus on opening the body over time instead of through dynamic movement. Read the full article at Be Yogi.
